Keith is a registered architect, LEED accredited professional, and member of the American Institute of Architects. He attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, graduating with a Bachelor of Building Sciences in 1994 and a Bachelor of Architecture in 1997. After graduation, Keith started his career with The Lukmire Partnership, which RRMM acquired in 2016.
While his focus is on municipal and higher education projects, Keith’s specialties are community centers and libraries. He received an Award of Excellence for his work on Fairfax County’s Providence Community Center. Keith is especially skilled at presenting and leading stakeholder meetings, working to build community consensus.
Keith is extremely passionate about drawing. Hand sketching is not only one of the things he enjoys most about his job, but also a unique skill. He began his career in high school and college, working summers in the engineering department of a company that fabricated and installed roller coasters, flume rides, and raft rides.