Elementary School K-12 Education
Waller Mill Elementary School.
York County, Virginia
Waller Mill Elementary School was originally designed in 1968, and with only having minor upgrades over the years, was in need of a complete renovation. The original project scope included the addition of 10 classrooms, a new gym, additional parking and associated site upgrades. The RRMM design team created a solution that not only addressed the original scope requirements, but also simultaneously improved the look of the existing building by creating a new entrance addition. This entrance addition improved several deficiencies, including an undersized administration area and a small library, but most importantly, it improved security at the main entrance. The renovation portion of the project included a new HVAC system, group toilet upgrades, new interior finishes, and upgrades to the existing building facade to improve the curb appeal.
The addition of the new classrooms allowed the layout of the grade groupings to improve significantly, improving on the original building layout which made it difficult to allow adequate grade separation.